So it was a weird weekend. I didn’t get much done, costume-wise.
I had Friday off. Luna was SHOCKED when I walked out of the bedroom at 9AM. Like, “Wtf are you doing here?!”

“Seriously go away you are ruining my groove.”
Friday I went swimming and finally got to break in my new WW swimsuit. The top could use some more work – I think next time I have some red spandex I’ll make another version. It could’ve stood to be another half inch wider, and I think a dart going sideways would have helped it curve better. But over all not bad.
I came home and commenced dyeing!
Fabric in the sink:

Now into the pot!

About an hour later:

Hanging to dry:

If it had stayed that colour it would’ve been perfect. But it did not, that fabric gets a lot darker when wet so when it dried it lightened up a lot. It lightened up more than my test scrap. So that was disappointing.
I decided to try again Saturday – we had to run a bunch of errands Saturday so i didn’t get time to try again until late that afternoon. Since my test scrap got dyed twice, I figured that must be the key, but it barely got ANY darker on round 2.
Sunday I bought some MORE dye to try again. But now I think my problem is ratios. I don’t think I have enough dye to water. So I think at this point what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and pattern out the dress, get the pieces cut, and then dye the pieces, so I’m not dealing with a big chunk of 3 yards, but just a front and back. So I can use less water to cover it.
So that was it for costume stuff this weekend. Didn’t do anything else.
Saturday we had to run over to my parents’ house – I went up in the attic looking for something and grabbed a few things while I was up there. First was one of those pillow chairs for the floor, I’ve been wanting one for my office and found my old one up there. It had two holes in it I stitched up no problem. Yay!
Second was a Harry Potter backpack, and it had a bunch of junk in it from 2003-2004. Notes from architecture class, some literature classes, etc, plus pay stubs that needed to be shredded, a little thing that makes a cow noise, and our Dragon Con 2004 registration forms LOL. That was back when you had to print them out and send them in with a check or money order. I would often print them out, fill them out, and forget about them and then do it again. So I found what was probably the first round, haha. I threw away the trash from the backpack and kept a few things.
Third was a bag of fabric scraps.

These were some seriously old fabric scraps. There was vinyl leftover from Cammy (2001). Gold lame from She-Ra (2002). Red stretch pleater from Misato (2002) that was totally falling apart ew! I wonder it that is happening to my Misato jacket and skirt right now? š Haven’t looked at it in a few years. Anyway it was all seriously just scraps. I threw it all away, except for about a yard of some decent black knit, and about a yard of some weird black chiffon. Those came home.
Later this year I really want to go over there and clean up more of my old crap in the attic. It’s too hot to do much right now.
Took some books back to the library and my transfer had come in! Yay!

So excited to get a copy of this!
Not making anything from it but I wanted to flip through it and make some notes in case I need it in the future.
Sunday was a few more errands, Father’s Day lunch, and I found a Dolores Pop at Barnes and Noble:

I didn’t even know they’d done Westworld ones! So I got it.
I’ve been thinking about collecting the pops of costumes I’d done. I went through to figure out there was out there that matched up:
Sailor Jupiter (I have this one)
Belle ballgown (I have this one)
Classic Leia (I have this one)
Dolores (obv I have this one)
She-Ra (it’s $500 on amazon, so I don’t think I will ever have it LOL)
April O’Neil, cartoon version
Ellen Ripley
Dorothy Gale (another overly expensive one)
Starfire (expensive)
Snow White (expensive)
Dark Phoenix (expensive)
Poison Ivy
Black Widow
Wonder Woman, cartoon style
Village Belle
Something There Belle
Captain Marvel
Edith Cushing
Leia Boushh
Leia Slave (expensive)
Leia Hoth
Leia TFA Blue Dress
I made a wishlist on amazon to give to family for bday so they can fill in the gaps.
Sunday afternoon I got to work on a painted sign for the Sgt Pepper tribute next weekend.

It’s really big and I’m having to do it in chunks. I finished the “Sgt.” last night but didn’t take a picture. Hopefully tonight I can finish “Pepper” and then wed-thurs I’ll finish up “experience.” (that’s the name of the group). So I won’t have much sewing to share this week. While waiting on each piece to dry I’m hoping to run back to my sewing room and start patterning the dress to at least get that out of the way.
OH I nearly forgot!!!
So our next door neighbors regularly have parties in the spring/summer. Generally it’s no big deal. When we first moved in they would go a little too late and we got annoyed but never did anything about it. I think somebody else must have reported them because they started cutting the parties off at 11, which is the time cutoff in the county noise ordinances. And that’s the way it’s been since – they don’t play music, they just hang out on the back porch and laugh and carry on a little loud, but it’s never so much we can’t drown the sound out with our tv on low until they quiet down at 11. And they usually only do this on Fridays/Saturdays.
Well yesterday they had a party going all day. We could hear them laughing all afternoon. Well last night, we’d just laid down to go to sleep, it was 10:30, and we both have to be up pretty early. We could hear them a little but not bad. At 10:35 they decided it was time for karaoke or something. They apparently had a music system IN the backyard and it was now BLARING music. Every once in a while somebody would turn it off midway through a song and we’d think, great they realized how late it is… but nope somebody was apparently just switching songs. This went on til midnight. We had to go sleep in the guest room. It was too loud in our master bedroom and the bass of every song was blaring through every part of our room. The guest room is farther away and while we could still hear it, I was able to get to sleep. Not sure Chase ever did. He woke me up at midnight to tell me they’d finally stopped and we moved back into our room.
WTF? They are great neighbors otherwise so we didn’t want to call the sheriff. We just kept hoping they’d quiet down. But if it happens again we’re going to have to call. (I would not let Chase confront them… they were obviously very drunk. Yeah not getting into that, I’ll leave that to the police.) If it had been a friday or saturday night it would not have been such a big deal but a Sunday night?? I am dragging today because of this. Slept like crap even after that, woke up with a headache today. BLAH!
Also I’m apparently too lazy to ever make blog headers anymore so I keep using gifs. Sorrrrrrrrry.